Everyday Genius: A Guide to Peaceful Leadership

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Leadership begins from within. It is defined by a mindset, rather than a title or role. Leadership that stems from deep self-knowledge is magnetic, dynamic and authentic.

The challenge is knowing how to access the genius within each of us and find peace through self-knowledge so that we can embody true leadership. When we accomplish this, leading feels easy and natural. Others follow and engage because the genuine connection that humans crave happens when we achieve alignment within ourselves.

Everyday Genius: A Guide to Peaceful Leadership provides a map to achieving this leadership mindset. Whether you want to improve your ability to lead teams or simply want a grounded approach to navigating the world around you, this book provides insights and tools to help you find your way.

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My coaching and mentoring expertise is borne out of a rare combination of formal training and leadership experience in the corporate world and a unique ability to see through illusions to uncover core issues.

